
Two books I can't recommend.

I do not often feel the urge to write something about a english book I read as there are many people on the net which have a much better grasp of the language.
However I read two rather disappointing books lately.

Black Man by Richard Morgan:
An incredible preachy book, even more so than Market Forces(Which I enjoyed). I can't understand why many people praise this book. It's not just the preachiness, the action and sex scenes also feel "wrong".
It's by far the worst of Morgans books and lacks the pure awesome that the Kovacs novels have completely.

Dark Space by Marianne de Pieress:
I prefer to read books recommended by other people but I tend to pick some random book up from time to time. Dark Space is one of those and I was rather disappointed with it.
Gut feeling is the most important thing for me when I read a book and nearly everything about this book felt wrong. A boring story and world-building and very confusing action scenes stick out the most.